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Has a large, triangular blade. Ideal for slicing, chopping, and dicing.\n\n*Utility knife* is similar to a slicing knife but smaller. It is used for cutting smaller foods items such as tomatoes and apples.\n\n*Bread knife* has a serrated, or saw-tooth-patterned blade for slicing through bread.\n\n*Sharpening steel* a long steel rod on a handle used to help keep knives sharp.\n\n*Slicing knife* is used for cutting large foods, such as meat and poultry.\n\n*Paring knife* is used to pare (cut a very thin layer of peel or outer coating from fruits and vegetables)", "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. 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Has a large, triangular blade. Ideal for slicing, chopping, and dicing.\n\n*Utility knife* is similar to a slicing knife but smaller. It is used for cutting smaller foods items such as tomatoes and apples.\n\n*Bread knife* has a serrated, or saw-tooth-patterned blade for slicing through bread.\n\n*Sharpening steel* a long steel rod on a handle used to help keep knives sharp.\n\n*Slicing knife* is used for cutting large foods, such as meat and poultry.\n\n*Paring knife* is used to pare (cut a very thin layer of peel or outer coating from fruits and vegetables)", "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. 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Has a large, triangular blade. Ideal for slicing, chopping, and dicing.\n\n*Utility knife* is similar to a slicing knife but smaller. It is used for cutting smaller foods items such as tomatoes and apples.\n\n*Bread knife* has a serrated, or saw-tooth-patterned blade for slicing through bread.\n\n*Sharpening steel* a long steel rod on a handle used to help keep knives sharp.\n\n*Slicing knife* is used for cutting large foods, such as meat and poultry.\n\n*Paring knife* is used to pare (cut a very thin layer of peel or outer coating from fruits and vegetables)", "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. 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Has a large, triangular blade. Ideal for slicing, chopping, and dicing.\n\n*Utility knife* is similar to a slicing knife but smaller. It is used for cutting smaller foods items such as tomatoes and apples.\n\n*Bread knife* has a serrated, or saw-tooth-patterned blade for slicing through bread.\n\n*Sharpening steel* a long steel rod on a handle used to help keep knives sharp.\n\n*Slicing knife* is used for cutting large foods, such as meat and poultry.\n\n*Paring knife* is used to pare (cut a very thin layer of peel or outer coating from fruits and vegetables)", "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. 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Has a large, triangular blade. Ideal for slicing, chopping, and dicing.\n\n*Utility knife* is similar to a slicing knife but smaller. It is used for cutting smaller foods items such as tomatoes and apples.\n\n*Bread knife* has a serrated, or saw-tooth-patterned blade for slicing through bread.\n\n*Sharpening steel* a long steel rod on a handle used to help keep knives sharp.\n\n*Slicing knife* is used for cutting large foods, such as meat and poultry.\n\n*Paring knife* is used to pare (cut a very thin layer of peel or outer coating from fruits and vegetables)", "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. 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Reset all responses and start the task over again.", "submit": "Nộp" }, "library": "H5P.DragQuestion 1.14", "metadata": { "contentType": "Drag and Drop", "license": "U", "title": "Kitchen Utensils Drag and Drop", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Kitchen Utensils Drag and Drop" }, "subContentId": "d882140e-4e74-4d0b-9f10-b821ab783c97" }, { "params": { "taskDescription": "<p>Drag the name of the knife next to its description</p>\n", "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100 } ], "checkAnswer": "Check", "tryAgain": "Retry", "showSolution": "Show solution", "dropZoneIndex": "Drop Zone @index.", "empty": "Drop Zone @index is empty.", "contains": "Drop Zone @index contains draggable @draggable.", "ariaDraggableIndex": "@index of @count draggables.", "tipLabel": "Show tip", "correctText": "Correct!", "incorrectText": "Incorrect!", "resetDropTitle": "Reset drop", "resetDropDescription": "Are you sure you want to reset this drop zone?", "grabbed": "Draggable is grabbed.", "cancelledDragging": "Cancelled dragging.", "correctAnswer": "Correct answer:", "feedbackHeader": "Feedback", "behaviour": { "enableRetry": true, "enableSolutionsButton": true, "enableCheckButton": true, "instantFeedback": false }, "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points", "textField": "*Chef's knife* also called a French knife. Has a large, triangular blade. Ideal for slicing, chopping, and dicing.\n\n*Utility knife* is similar to a slicing knife but smaller. It is used for cutting smaller foods items such as tomatoes and apples.\n\n*Bread knife* has a serrated, or saw-tooth-patterned blade for slicing through bread.\n\n*Sharpening steel* a long steel rod on a handle used to help keep knives sharp.\n\n*Slicing knife* is used for cutting large foods, such as meat and poultry.\n\n*Paring knife* is used to pare (cut a very thin layer of peel or outer coating from fruits and vegetables)", "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.", "submitAnswer": "Submit", "media": { "disableImageZooming": false } }, "library": "H5P.DragText 1.10", "metadata": { "contentType": "Drag the Words", "license": "U", "title": "Knife Descriptions Drag Text", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Knife Descriptions Drag Text" }, "subContentId": "cbd448b6-8d78-4d0a-8f44-718dc7532eeb" } ], "disableBackwardsNavigation": false, "randomQuestions": false, "endGame": { "showResultPage": true, "showSolutionButton": true, "showRetryButton": true, "noResultMessage": "Finished", "message": "Your result:", "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100 } ], "solutionButtonText": "Show solution", "retryButtonText": "Retry", "finishButtonText": "Finish", "showAnimations": false, "skippable": false, "skipButtonText": "Skip video", "scoreBarLabel": "Bạn đã @finals trên @totals điểm", "submitButtonText": "Gửi" }, "override": { "checkButton": true }, "texts": { "prevButton": "Previous question", "nextButton": "Next question", "finishButton": "Finish", "textualProgress": "Question: @current of @total questions", "jumpToQuestion": "Question %d of %total", "questionLabel": "Question", "readSpeakerProgress": "Question @current of @total", "unansweredText": "Unanswered", "answeredText": "Answered", "currentQuestionText": "Current question", "submitButton": "gửi", "navigationLabel": "Câu hỏi" } } |
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