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The lowest possible score is 0.", "question": { "settings": { "size": { "width": 620, "height": 310 }, "background": { "path": "images/background-DxKWrkdY.jpg", "mime": "image/jpeg", "copyright": { "license": "U" }, "width": 426, "height": 240 } }, "task": { "elements": [ { "x": 35.483870967742, "y": 48.387096774194, "width": 12.32578125, "height": 4.20078125, "dropZones": [ "0" ], "type": { "library": "H5P.AdvancedText 1.1", "params": { "text": "<p style=\"text-align:center\"><strong>Jelly Fluff</strong></p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align:center\">(evaporated milk and Jello)</p>\n" }, "subContentId": "654bdaae-6870-4c2d-930b-36e64f58e412", "metadata": { "contentType": "Text", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Text" } }, "backgroundOpacity": 80, "multiple": false }, { "x": 35.483870967742, "y": 0, "width": 12.32578125, "height": 4.20078125, "dropZones": [ "1" ], "type": { "library": "H5P.AdvancedText 1.1", "params": { "text": "<p style=\"text-align:center\"><strong>Snickers Frosting</strong></p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align:center\">(frosting made from melting two Snickers)</p>\n" }, "subContentId": "0d9c2747-edbf-4f40-af77-a96354b57e51", "metadata": { "contentType": "Text", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Text" } }, "backgroundOpacity": 80, "multiple": false }, { "x": 35.483870967742, "y": 25.806451612903, "width": 12.32578125, "height": 3.57578125, "dropZones": [ "1" ], "type": { "library": "H5P.AdvancedText 1.1", "params": { "text": "<p style=\"text-align:center\"><strong>Oreo Cake</strong></p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align:center\">(cake made from 2 packs of Oreos)</p>\n" }, "subContentId": "1c6ff974-66d9-464e-92c0-6cb9f3890772", "metadata": { "contentType": "Text", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Text" } }, "backgroundOpacity": 80, "multiple": false }, { "x": 35.483870967742, "y": 74.193548387097, "width": 12.32578125, "height": 4.20078125, "dropZones": [ "0" ], "type": { "library": "H5P.AdvancedText 1.1", "params": { "text": "<p style=\"text-align:center\"><strong>Vegan Macarons</strong></p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align:center\">(dessert made from whipping chickpea water)</p>\n" }, "subContentId": "4bf8137c-2f76-441c-ac50-360405a8ab0d", "metadata": { "contentType": "Text", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Text" } }, "backgroundOpacity": 80, "multiple": false } ], "dropZones": [ { "x": 56.451612903226, "y": 22.58064516129, "width": 15.625, "height": 13.75, "correctElements": [ "0", "3" ], "showLabel": false, "backgroundOpacity": 0, "tipsAndFeedback": { "tip": "" }, "single": false, "autoAlign": true, "label": "<div style=\"text-align:center\">REAL</div>\n" }, { "x": 3.2258064516129, "y": 22.58064516129, "width": 16.25, "height": 13.75, "correctElements": [ "1", "2" ], "showLabel": false, "backgroundOpacity": 0, "tipsAndFeedback": { "tip": "" }, "single": false, "autoAlign": true, "label": "<div>FAKE</div>\n" } ] } }, "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100 } ], "behaviour": { "enableRetry": true, "enableCheckButton": true, "showSolutionsRequiresInput": true, "singlePoint": false, "applyPenalties": false, "enableScoreExplanation": false, "dropZoneHighlighting": "always", "autoAlignSpacing": 2, "enableFullScreen": false, "showScorePoints": true, "showTitle": true }, "grabbablePrefix": "Grabbable {num} of {total}.", "grabbableSuffix": "Placed in dropzone {num}.", "dropzonePrefix": "Dropzone {num} of {total}.", "noDropzone": "No dropzone.", "tipLabel": "Show tip.", "tipAvailable": "Tip available", "correctAnswer": "Correct answer", "wrongAnswer": "Wrong answer", "feedbackHeader": "Feedback", "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points", "scoreExplanationButtonLabel": "Show score explanation", "localize": { "fullscreen": "Fullscreen", "exitFullscreen": "Exit fullscreen" }, "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.", "submit": "Nộp" }, "subContentId": "b3c7d939-1043-4dfe-aee1-806e0d694a96", "metadata": { "contentType": "Drag and Drop", "license": "U", "title": "Which recipes were real and which were fake?", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Which recipes were real and which were fake?" } }, "pause": true, "displayType": "poster", "buttonOnMobile": false, "adaptivity": { "correct": { "allowOptOut": false, "message": "" }, "wrong": { "allowOptOut": false, "message": "" }, "requireCompletion": true }, "label": "<p>Real or fake?</p>\n" }, { "x": 5.7012542759407, "y": 36.437246963563, "width": 35.57582668187, "height": 4.9650798175599, "duration": { "from": 279, "to": 360 }, "libraryTitle": "Text", "action": { "library": "H5P.Text 1.1", "params": { "text": "<h2 style=\"text-align:center\"><strong>You can go on to the next activity. Great work!</strong></h2>\n\n<p style=\"text-align:center\"><strong>→</strong></p>\n" }, "subContentId": "5030102f-006e-4c57-b4a5-f41934c0ccf4", "metadata": { "contentType": "Text", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Text", "authors": [], "changes": [] } }, "pause": true, "displayType": "poster", "buttonOnMobile": false, "visuals": { "backgroundColor": "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "boxShadow": true }, "goto": { "url": { "protocol": "http://", "url": "education.knet.ca/course/view.php?id=363" }, "visualize": true, "type": "url" }, "label": "" } ], "bookmarks": [], "endscreens": [ { "time": 279.863983, "label": "4:39 Submit screen" } ] }, "summary": { "task": { "library": "H5P.Summary 1.10", "params": { "intro": "<p>We need to be critial of the media (videos, articles, pictures) that we see online. There are many questionable and even fake recipes online that do not work and pretending that they do work can be frustrating for those of us that try to recreate them. Make sure you view media with a critical eye and don't always believe everything you see. You've just test your baking IQ in this video to see how critical you are!</p>\n", "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100, "feedback": "Great work!" } ], "solvedLabel": "Progress:", "scoreLabel": "Wrong answers:", "resultLabel": "Your result", "labelCorrect": "Correct.", "labelIncorrect": "Incorrect! Please try again.", "alternativeIncorrectLabel": "Incorrect", "labelCorrectAnswers": "Correct answers.", "tipButtonLabel": "Show tip", "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points", "progressText": "Progress :num of :total", "summaries": [ { "subContentId": "2404b375-cbb8-40ad-95bc-4f920b8f443a", "summary": [ "<p>I completed the quiz</p>\n", "<p>I did not complete the quiz</p>\n" ], "tip": "" } ] }, "subContentId": "c4f247c9-5bb2-4572-8bae-dca07b804bfa", "metadata": { "contentType": "Summary", "license": "U", "title": "Summary", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Summary" } }, "displayAt": 93 } }, "override": { "autoplay": false, "loop": false, "showBookmarksmenuOnLoad": false, "showRewind10": false, "deactivateSound": false, "retryButton": "off", "preventSkippingMode": "both" }, "l10n": { "interaction": "Interaction", "play": "Play", "pause": "Pause", "mute": "Mute", "unmute": "Unmute", "quality": "Video Quality", "captions": "Captions", "close": "Close", "fullscreen": "Fullscreen", "exitFullscreen": "Exit Fullscreen", "summary": "Open summary dialog", "bookmarks": "Bookmarks", "endscreen": "Submit screen", "defaultAdaptivitySeekLabel": "Continue", "continueWithVideo": "Continue with video", "playbackRate": "Playback Rate", "rewind10": "Rewind 10 Seconds", "navDisabled": "Navigation is disabled", "sndDisabled": "Sound is disabled", "requiresCompletionWarning": "You need to answer all the questions correctly before continuing.", "back": "Back", "hours": "Hours", "minutes": "Minutes", "seconds": "Seconds", "currentTime": "Current time:", "totalTime": "Total time:", "singleInteractionAnnouncement": "Interaction appeared:", "multipleInteractionsAnnouncement": "Multiple interactions appeared.", "videoPausedAnnouncement": "Video is paused", "content": "Content", "answered": "@answered answered", "endcardTitle": "@answered Question(s) answered", "endcardInformation": "You have answered @answered questions, click below to submit your answers.", "endcardInformationNoAnswers": "You have not answered any questions.", "endcardInformationMustHaveAnswer": "You have to answer at least one question before you can submit your answers.", "endcardSubmitButton": "Submit Answers", "endcardSubmitMessage": "Your answers have been submitted!", "endcardTableRowAnswered": "Answered questions", "endcardTableRowScore": "Score", "endcardAnsweredScore": "answered", "endCardTableRowSummaryWithScore": "You got @score out of @total points for the @question that appeared after @minutes minutes and @seconds seconds.", "endCardTableRowSummaryWithoutScore": "You have answered the @question that appeared after @minutes minutes and @seconds seconds.", "endcardInformationOnSubmitButtonDisabled": "You have answered @answered questions.", "more": "Cài đặt trình phát video", "navForwardDisabled": "Âm thanh bị tắt", "videoProgressBar": "Video progress" } } |
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