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Reset all responses and start the task over again." } }, "subContentId": "960ca3a3-ce51-488f-967d-38cf6215ecad", "metadata": { "contentType": "Single Choice Set", "license": "U", "title": "Chùm sáng 1", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Chùm sáng 1" } }, "pause": true, "displayType": "poster", "buttonOnMobile": false, "adaptivity": { "correct": { "allowOptOut": false, "message": "" }, "wrong": { "allowOptOut": false, "message": "" }, "requireCompletion": false }, "label": "" }, { "x": 24.229074889867842, "y": 37.18199608610567, "width": 22.90748898678414, "height": 5.286343612334802, "duration": { "from": 0, "to": 10 }, "libraryTitle": "Text", "action": { "library": "H5P.Text 1.1", "params": { "text": "<h2 style=\"text-align:center\"><strong>Thí nghiệm về chùm sáng</strong></h2>\n" }, "subContentId": "63db5657-2a80-45b2-8982-563dbb8af2a2", "metadata": { "contentType": "Text", "license": "U", "title": "Chưa đặt tiêu đề", "authors": [], "changes": [] } }, "pause": true, "displayType": "poster", "buttonOnMobile": false, "visuals": { "backgroundColor": "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "boxShadow": true }, "goto": { "url": { "protocol": "http://" }, "visualize": false, "type": "" }, "label": "" } ], "bookmarks": [], "endscreens": [ { "time": 71.766668, "label": "1:11 Submit Screen" } ] }, "summary": { "task": { "library": "H5P.Summary 1.10", "params": { "intro": "Choose the correct statement.", "summaries": [ { "subContentId": "67e8a02f-71d5-4d9f-ab87-f507ab0773f2", "tip": "" } ], "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100 } ], "solvedLabel": "Progress:", "scoreLabel": "Wrong answers:", "resultLabel": "Your result", "labelCorrect": "Correct.", "labelIncorrect": "Incorrect! Please try again.", "alternativeIncorrectLabel": "Incorrect", "labelCorrectAnswers": "Correct answers.", "tipButtonLabel": "Show tip", "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points", "progressText": "Progress :num of :total" }, "subContentId": "b8369b4d-57e4-4b67-ac60-76864bd6632c", "metadata": { "contentType": "Summary", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Summary", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Untitled Summary" } }, "displayAt": 3 } }, "override": { "autoplay": false, "loop": false, "showBookmarksmenuOnLoad": false, "showRewind10": false, "preventSkippingMode": "none", "deactivateSound": false }, "l10n": { "interaction": "Interaction", "play": "Play", "pause": "Pause", "mute": "Mute, currently unmuted", "unmute": "Unmute, currently muted", "quality": "Video Quality", "captions": "Captions", "close": "Close", "fullscreen": "Fullscreen", "exitFullscreen": "Exit Fullscreen", "summary": "Open summary dialog", "bookmarks": "Bookmarks", "endscreen": "Submit screen", "defaultAdaptivitySeekLabel": "Continue", "continueWithVideo": "Continue with video", "more": "More player options", "playbackRate": "Playback Rate", "rewind10": "Rewind 10 Seconds", "navDisabled": "Navigation is disabled", "navForwardDisabled": "Navigating forward is disabled", "sndDisabled": "Sound is disabled", "requiresCompletionWarning": "You need to answer all the questions correctly before continuing.", "back": "Back", "hours": "Hours", "minutes": "Minutes", "seconds": "Seconds", "currentTime": "Current time:", "totalTime": "Total time:", "singleInteractionAnnouncement": "Interaction appeared:", "multipleInteractionsAnnouncement": "Multiple interactions appeared.", "videoPausedAnnouncement": "Video is paused", "content": "Content", "answered": "@answered answered", "endcardTitle": "@answered Question(s) answered", "endcardInformation": "You have answered @answered questions, click below to submit your answers.", "endcardInformationOnSubmitButtonDisabled": "You have answered @answered questions.", "endcardInformationNoAnswers": "You have not answered any questions.", "endcardInformationMustHaveAnswer": "You have to answer at least one question before you can submit your answers.", "endcardSubmitButton": "Submit Answers", "endcardSubmitMessage": "Your answers have been submitted!", "endcardTableRowAnswered": "Answered questions", "endcardTableRowScore": "Score", "endcardAnsweredScore": "answered", "endCardTableRowSummaryWithScore": "You got @score out of @total points for the @question that appeared after @minutes minutes and @seconds seconds.", "endCardTableRowSummaryWithoutScore": "You have answered the @question that appeared after @minutes minutes and @seconds seconds.", "videoProgressBar": "Video progress" } } |
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