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{ "content": [ { "content": { "params": { "text": "<h2 style=\"text-align:center\"><span style=\"color:#2980b9\"><strong>Grammar</strong></span></h2>\n" }, "library": "H5P.AdvancedText 1.1", "metadata": { "contentType": "Text", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Text", "authors": [], "changes": [] }, "subContentId": "f37ce8c9-93a5-4846-ac75-cf2a64e37f67" }, "useSeparator": "auto" }, { "content": { "params": { "media": { "disableImageZooming": false }, "text": "<h3><strong>1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.</strong></h3>\n", "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100 } ], "showSolutions": "Show solution", "tryAgain": "Retry", "checkAnswer": "Check", "submitAnswer": "Submit", "notFilledOut": "Please fill in all blanks to view solution", "answerIsCorrect": "':ans' is correct", "answerIsWrong": "':ans' is wrong", "answeredCorrectly": "Answered correctly", "answeredIncorrectly": "Answered incorrectly", "solutionLabel": "Correct answer:", "inputLabel": "Blank input @num of @total", "inputHasTipLabel": "Tip available", "tipLabel": "Tip", "behaviour": { "enableRetry": true, "enableSolutionsButton": true, "enableCheckButton": true, "autoCheck": false, "caseSensitive": true, "showSolutionsRequiresInput": true, "separateLines": false, "confirmCheckDialog": false, "confirmRetryDialog": false, "acceptSpellingErrors": false }, "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points", "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.", "a11yCheckingModeHeader": "Checking mode", "confirmCheck": { "header": "Finish ?", "body": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?", "cancelLabel": "Cancel", "confirmLabel": "Finish" }, "confirmRetry": { "header": "Retry ?", "body": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?", "cancelLabel": "Cancel", "confirmLabel": "Confirm" }, "questions": [ "<p>1. Nam often (clean) *cleans* the house, but he can’t now because he (help) *is helping* his sister with her homework.</p>\n\n<p>2. I wanted (improve) *to improve* my cooking skills, and my mum let me (take) *take* a cooking course last year.</p>\n\n<p>3. My grandparents (practise) *practise* singing twice a week, and they (practise) *are practising* at the moment.</p>\n\n<p>4. Next Sunday evening, I (watch) *am going to watch* their show live on TV. I think they (win) *will win* a prize.</p>\n" ] }, "library": "H5P.Blanks 1.14", "metadata": { "contentType": "Fill in the Blanks", "license": "U", "title": "Fill in the Blanks", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Fill in the Blanks" }, "subContentId": "6733d9b6-52c3-4e9a-bb5c-774af40a3a2c" }, "useSeparator": "auto" }, { "content": { "params": { "text": "<h2 style=\"text-align:center\"><span style=\"color:#2980b9\"><strong>Phương pháp giải</strong></span></h2>\n\n<p>Một số động từ được theo sau bởi nguyên mẫu có to, như: decide, expect, plan, want, promise, agree, hope, hesitate, ask,…</p>\n\n<p>Một số động từ được theo sau bởi nguyên mẫu (không to), như: make, let, hear, notice,…</p>\n\n<p>Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại tiếp diễn: now, at the moment, …</p>\n\n<p>Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại đơn: often, once a week, twice a week, every day,…</p>\n\n<p>Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì quá khứ đơn: last + thời gian ở quá khứ, yesterday, ago, …</p>\n\n<p><strong>Chúng ta dùng will để nói về:</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Kế hoạch được xây dựng ở thời điểm nói.</li>\n\t<li>Dự đoán dựa trên những gì chúng ta nghĩ hoặc chúng ta tin về tương lai.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><span style=\"color:#2ecc71\"><strong>Cấu trúc:</strong></span> S + will + V-nguyên thể</p>\n\n<p><strong>Chúng ta dùng be going to để nói về:</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Kế hoạch đã được xây dựng trước thời điểm nói.</li>\n\t<li>Dự đoán dựa trên những gì chúng ta nhìn thấy hoặc dựa vào hiểu biết.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><span style=\"color:#2ecc71\"><strong>Cấu trúc:</strong></span></p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>S (singular) + am/is + going to + V-nguyên thể</li>\n\t<li>S (plural) + are + going to + V-nguyên thể</li>\n</ul>\n" }, "library": "H5P.AdvancedText 1.1", "metadata": { "contentType": "Text", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Text", "authors": [], "changes": [] }, "subContentId": "c60116fa-7d55-4745-b991-e91b80feb08f" }, "useSeparator": "auto" }, { "content": { "params": { "media": { "disableImageZooming": false }, "text": "<h3><strong>2. Complete the sentences. Make sure they mean the same as the sentences above them.</strong></h3>\n", "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100 } ], "showSolutions": "Show solution", "tryAgain": "Retry", "checkAnswer": "Check", "submitAnswer": "Submit", "notFilledOut": "Please fill in all blanks to view solution", "answerIsCorrect": "':ans' is correct", "answerIsWrong": "':ans' is wrong", "answeredCorrectly": "Answered correctly", "answeredIncorrectly": "Answered incorrectly", "solutionLabel": "Correct answer:", "inputLabel": "Blank input @num of @total", "inputHasTipLabel": "Tip available", "tipLabel": "Tip", "behaviour": { "enableRetry": true, "enableSolutionsButton": true, "enableCheckButton": true, "autoCheck": false, "caseSensitive": true, "showSolutionsRequiresInput": true, "separateLines": false, "confirmCheckDialog": false, "confirmRetryDialog": false, "acceptSpellingErrors": false }, "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points", "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.", "a11yCheckingModeHeader": "Checking mode", "confirmCheck": { "header": "Finish ?", "body": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?", "cancelLabel": "Cancel", "confirmLabel": "Finish" }, "confirmRetry": { "header": "Retry ?", "body": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?", "cancelLabel": "Cancel", "confirmLabel": "Confirm" }, "questions": [ "<p>1. They collect the rubbish in the neighbourhood three times a week.</p>\n\n<p>=> The rubbish *in the neighbourhood is collected three times a week*.</p>\n\n<p>2. We turned off all the electrical devices in the house.</p>\n\n<p>=> All the electrical devices *in the house were turned off*.</p>\n\n<p>3. Millions of people will watch his music videos online.</p>\n\n<p>=> His music videos *will be watched by millions of people*.</p>\n" ] }, "library": "H5P.Blanks 1.14", "metadata": { "contentType": "Fill in the Blanks", "license": "U", "title": "Fill in the Blanks", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Fill in the Blanks" }, "subContentId": "ad4c5c1f-3620-42d1-a737-aa30d6805de1" }, "useSeparator": "auto" }, { "content": { "params": { "text": "<h3><strong>3. Match the two parts to make complete sentences.</strong></h3>\n" }, "library": "H5P.AdvancedText 1.1", "metadata": { "contentType": "Text", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Text", "authors": [], "changes": [] }, "subContentId": "40ae69e2-6469-4eed-8f60-9fdc66b83a42" }, "useSeparator": "auto" }, { "content": { "params": { "decorative": false, "contentName": "Image", "expandImage": "Expand Image", "minimizeImage": "Minimize Image", "file": { "path": "images/file-CYWNZ6V3.png", "mime": "image/png", "copyright": { "license": "U" }, "width": 945, "height": 700 }, "alt": "1" }, "library": "H5P.Image 1.1", "metadata": { "contentType": "Image", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Image", "authors": [], "changes": [] }, "subContentId": "aa7f833a-52af-4f20-9b32-017917ac0f4b" }, "useSeparator": "auto" }, { "content": { "params": { "media": { "disableImageZooming": false }, "text": "<h3><strong>Write your answer in the blank.</strong></h3>\n", "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100 } ], "showSolutions": "Show solution", "tryAgain": "Retry", "checkAnswer": "Check", "submitAnswer": "Submit", "notFilledOut": "Please fill in all blanks to view solution", "answerIsCorrect": "':ans' is correct", "answerIsWrong": "':ans' is wrong", "answeredCorrectly": "Answered correctly", "answeredIncorrectly": "Answered incorrectly", "solutionLabel": "Correct answer:", "inputLabel": "Blank input @num of @total", "inputHasTipLabel": "Tip available", "tipLabel": "Tip", "behaviour": { "enableRetry": true, "enableSolutionsButton": true, "enableCheckButton": true, "autoCheck": false, "caseSensitive": true, "showSolutionsRequiresInput": true, "separateLines": false, "confirmCheckDialog": false, "confirmRetryDialog": false, "acceptSpellingErrors": false }, "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points", "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.", "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.", "a11yCheckingModeHeader": "Checking mode", "confirmCheck": { "header": "Finish ?", "body": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?", "cancelLabel": "Cancel", "confirmLabel": "Finish" }, "confirmRetry": { "header": "Retry ?", "body": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?", "cancelLabel": "Cancel", "confirmLabel": "Confirm" }, "questions": [ "<p>1 - *b*</p>\n\n<p>2 - *c*</p>\n\n<p>3 - *d*</p>\n\n<p>4 - *a*</p>\n" ] }, "library": "H5P.Blanks 1.14", "metadata": { "contentType": "Fill in the Blanks", "license": "U", "title": "Untitled Fill in the Blanks", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Untitled Fill in the Blanks" }, "subContentId": "82c63fcc-2767-4483-9ddc-aac44be0c953" }, "useSeparator": "auto" } ] } |
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