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Reset all responses and start the task over again." } }, "subContentId": "43b46dc4-c9dc-4bab-bc5e-d4174086c342", "metadata": { "contentType": "Single Choice Set", "license": "U", "title": "Chưa đặt tiêu đề", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Chưa đặt tiêu đề" } }, "pause": true, "displayType": "poster", "buttonOnMobile": false, "adaptivity": { "correct": { "allowOptOut": false, "message": "" }, "wrong": { "allowOptOut": false, "message": "" }, "requireCompletion": false }, "label": "" }, { "x": 0, "y": 68.76310272536688, "width": 40.270270270270274, "height": 10, "duration": { "from": 622.676, "to": 632.676 }, "libraryTitle": "Image", "action": { "library": "H5P.Image 1.1", "params": { "decorative": false, "contentName": "Hình", "file": { "path": "images/image-Y9SLkTV8.jpg", "mime": "image/jpeg", "copyright": { "license": "U" }, "width": 745, "height": 185 } }, "subContentId": "6ab9cc09-6332-4448-bc9a-311433b1089c", "metadata": { "contentType": "Image", "license": "U", "title": "Chưa đặt tiêu đề", "authors": [], "changes": [] } }, "visuals": { "backgroundColor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "boxShadow": true }, "pause": false, "displayType": "poster", "buttonOnMobile": false, "goto": { "url": { "protocol": "http://" }, "visualize": false, "type": "" }, "label": "" }, { "x": 0, "y": 4.191380189053203, "width": 36.875, "height": 18.125, "duration": { "from": 853.136, "to": 853 }, "libraryTitle": "Single Choice Set", "action": { "library": "H5P.SingleChoiceSet 1.11", "params": { "choices": [ { "subContentId": "6a65578a-5d1a-47ef-a921-41796f446364", "question": "<p style=\"text-align:justify\">Cho hình vẽ dưới dây, góc BIA có số đo bằng:</p>\n", "answers": [ "<p>(Số đo cung BA – số đo cung CD) : 2</p>\n", "<p>(Số đo cung BA + số đo cung CD) : 2</p>\n", "<p>(Số đo cung BC + số đo cung AD) : 2</p>\n", "<p>(Số đo cung BC – số đo cung AD) : 2</p>\n" ] } ], "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100 } ], "behaviour": { "autoContinue": true, "timeoutCorrect": 2000, "timeoutWrong": 3000, "soundEffectsEnabled": true, "enableRetry": true, "enableSolutionsButton": true, "passPercentage": 100 }, "l10n": { "nextButtonLabel": "Next question", "showSolutionButtonLabel": "Show solution", "retryButtonLabel": "Retry", "solutionViewTitle": "Solution list", "correctText": "Correct!", "incorrectText": "Incorrect!", "shouldSelect": "Should have been selected", "shouldNotSelect": "Should not have been selected", "muteButtonLabel": "Mute feedback sound", "closeButtonLabel": "Close", "slideOfTotal": "Slide :num of :total", "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points", "solutionListQuestionNumber": "Question :num", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. 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Tính góc ADC.</p>\n", "answers": [ "<p>30 độ</p>\n", "<p>45 độ</p>\n", "<p>60 độ</p>\n", "<p>Đáp án khác</p>\n" ] } ], "overallFeedback": [ { "from": 0, "to": 100 } ], "behaviour": { "autoContinue": true, "timeoutCorrect": 2000, "timeoutWrong": 3000, "soundEffectsEnabled": true, "enableRetry": true, "enableSolutionsButton": true, "passPercentage": 100 }, "l10n": { "nextButtonLabel": "Next question", "showSolutionButtonLabel": "Show solution", "retryButtonLabel": "Retry", "solutionViewTitle": "Solution list", "correctText": "Correct!", "incorrectText": "Incorrect!", "shouldSelect": "Should have been selected", "shouldNotSelect": "Should not have been selected", "muteButtonLabel": "Mute feedback sound", "closeButtonLabel": "Close", "slideOfTotal": "Slide :num of :total", "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points", "solutionListQuestionNumber": "Question :num", "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. 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Reset all responses and start the task over again." } }, "subContentId": "0b1dce8e-aac3-4b38-b238-2b9bad76b0f9", "metadata": { "contentType": "Single Choice Set", "license": "U", "title": "Chưa đặt tiêu đề", "authors": [], "changes": [], "extraTitle": "Chưa đặt tiêu đề" } }, "pause": true, "displayType": "poster", "buttonOnMobile": false, "adaptivity": { "correct": { "allowOptOut": false, "message": "" }, "wrong": { "allowOptOut": false, "message": "" }, "requireCompletion": false }, "label": "" }, { "x": 14.76510067114094, "y": 54.507337526205454, "width": 26.698086168639055, "height": 12.4296875, "duration": { "from": 244.877, "to": 245.877 }, "libraryTitle": "Image", "action": { "library": "H5P.Image 1.1", "params": { "decorative": false, "contentName": "Hình", "file": { "path": "images/image-lSS3edHV.jpg", "mime": "image/jpeg", "copyright": { "license": "U" }, "width": 337, "height": 157 } }, "subContentId": "6c9a8313-e309-4298-b852-ac035e174f7d", "metadata": { "contentType": "Image", "license": "U", "title": "Chưa đặt tiêu đề", "authors": [], "changes": [] } }, "visuals": { "backgroundColor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "boxShadow": true }, "pause": true, "displayType": "poster", "buttonOnMobile": false, "goto": { "url": { "protocol": "http://" }, "visualize": false, "type": "" }, "label": "" }, { "x": 0, "y": 4.191380189053203, "width": 37.25, "height": 15.625, "duration": { "from": 444.958, "to": 454.958 }, "libraryTitle": "Single Choice Set", "action": { "library": "H5P.SingleChoiceSet 1.11", "params": { "choices": [ { "subContentId": "50095489-84f6-4a85-b56e-07bdcae69147", "question": "<p style=\"text-align:left\">Trên (O) lấy bốn điểm A, B, C, D theo thứ tự sao cho số đo cung AB = số đo cung BC = số đo cung CD. 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